Bagan: a beautiful, magical place

This past weekend I traveled to Bagan (in Central Myanmar) with Sophie, Andi and Sarah. Bagan is absolutely incredible and if you're ever in the area, its definitely worth the really cold bus ride. I was just excited to get out of the city and spend some time in the nature and the sun, but Bagan is so much more than that.

Bagan was the capital of the Pagan kingdom from the 9th to the 13th century (the kingdom that unified the regions that now make up modern-day Burma). I read that there were over 10,000 temples at one point in the region, and there are now over 2000 scattered around a 50 square km region. It really is absolutely stunning.

Pictures are really the only way of representing the beautify, so this post is less writing, and more a mini photo essay.

A temple near where we stayed at sunrise
Sarah, Andi, Sophie and I at the top of a temple waiting for the sunset


How we got around in Bagan
So many beautiful ancient temples


At a Buddhist temple

Sophie and I
A Burmese traditional breakfast 

Monks really wanted to take pictures with us

So did the Burmese military

Sunset in Bagan


  1. Sima, this is an amazing place. Too bad more people can not take advantage of this. It is sad that people living in a place so nice can not live in peace.

  2. Now I am sad that I did not go to Bagan. What other occasion will I have to visit Burma again. I needed to stay another week. Good that someone had a good camera. Missing you. Maman

  3. Sima!!!!! I lost your NOTE!!!!! PLEASE CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY AT
    I want to go to convo club and Dallah tomorrow!!!!

  4. Contact me at my email! I lost your note!!!!!

  5. SIMA!!! Contact me at!!!!

  6. Allo Sima,
    Glad to see you are getting some time to visit and enjoy the country. Good to see you have made friends.
    Keep posting, we enjoy following you from Canada.
    Tante Louise


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